Wednesday, November 3, 2021

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: November is American Diabetes Month

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."


Eric Adams did it.  He reversed his diabetes (his A1c was 17% when he was diagnosed) by eating plants and getting rid of all foods from animals. Eric Adams, newly elected mayor of New York City, is becoming a leader for health literacy.  He has learned from medical doctors providing leadership on whole food plant based eating to reverse heart disease and type 2 diabetes such as Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., Michael Greger, Dean Ornish and Neal Barnard, founder of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. 

November is American Diabetes Month, sponsored by the American Diabetes Association.  What a great time to begin the conversation about how plant-powered eating can reverse diabetes.  It turns out that saturated fat, found in foods from animals, does terrible things to the body.  This fat that is solid at room temperature gunks up the body, preventing insulin from working properly. When you remove the saturated fat and highly processed foods and make whole foods from plants your primary foods, your body can thrive.

This month, learn how eating plant-based whole foods can reverse your diabetes.  That’s what Eric Adams did.  Now he is on a mission to share what he has learned with others struggling under the weight of a diabetes diagnosis and its complications.  Improve your health literacy and be inspired from Eric's personal journey in his book, Healthy at Last.   

With love and kindness,

Nancy Heinrich, MPH

Founder and Wellness Architect