Wednesday, March 25, 2020

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Plant-Based Eating is What the Doctor Ordered

"Most deaths in the United States are preventable, and they are related to what we eat."
        --Michael Greger, MD from the introduction to How Not to Die

Teaching kids about the power of plant-based eating
at a recent Growing Healthy Kids workshop

One of my public health heroes and author of one of my favorite cookbooks is Michael Greger, MD, author of How Not to Die and the How Not to Die Cookbook. In his introduction to How Not to Die, Dr. Greger begins with his inspiration for his life's work.  When his grandmother, Frances Greger, was 65 years old she had had several bypass operations and was wheelchair bound.  She heard about what Nathan Pritikin was doing to reverse heart disease with a plant-based diet and traveled from Miami to Santa Barbara to work with him. Within 3 weeks she was walking 10 miles a day and out of her wheelchair.

The power of plant-based eating to reverse heart disease is what inspired Dr. Greger and it inspires me to create solutions for the kids in this country who are overweight and obese and at risk for obesity-related diseases like diabetes. Diabetes is not supposed to be diagnosed in 15 year olds.  Childhood obesity causes breathing problems such as sleep apnea and asthma and other problems likes fatty liver disease and gallstones that have profound physical and psychological effects on teenagers. 

Every day is an opportunity to begin anew, as spring reminds us every year.  Plan family meals around the 4 foods groups: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes (lentils and beans).  Try new foods and new plant-based recipes.  The farmers markets will be opening soon across the country.  Buy local and buy organic whenever possible. One of my favorite things to do is to go to the Saturday Farmers Market, buy from the local farmers, and then plan my week’s meals around locally grown and organic products.  When you make it your habit, it becomes easy.  

Healthy, plant-based eating is just what the doctor, Dr. Greger that is, ordered! 

Be inspired!  Be inspired to prevent and reverse diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. 
With love,
Nancy Heinrich, MPH
Founder and Wellness Architect
Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.