Wednesday, February 19, 2020

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Why Going Plant-Based is So Right

"We are the first generation to feel the sting of climate change and we are the last generation that can do something about it."  
                                                       --Jay Inslee

I have long advocated for plant-based eating because of its proven health benefits.  A plant-based way of eating is proven to reverse and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.  

Now consider this:  a recent article in Sierra Magazine talked about the positive significance to improving the health of the planet when we shift from an animal-centric food culture to plant-based eating.

Photo credits:  Barbara DuPont

Raising animals as food for humans is destructive to our waterways, our land, our air, and our energy balance.  Fossil fuel energy is used to grow the grains which are fed to cows, pigs, and chickens which are then slaughtered and consumed by humans.   Think about this:  one dairy cow eats about 30 pounds of baled hay and 25 pounds of grain mix (corn, soybean meal, vitamins, and minerals) per day.  Eating a meat-based diet contributes to the leading causes of death and disease of Americans, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.  The fact is that saturated fats, found only in foods that come from animal, are a major source of disease.  

Did you know that switching to a plant-based way of eating has a more positive impact on climate change than buying an electric car?

We are at a tipping point in the climate change crisis with precious little time to divert our course from one of massive planetary disaster.  America needs leaders who will  close all coal-fired power plants in the next 3 years.  We need to get back into the Paris Climate Agreement.  We need incentives for automobile manufacturers to phase out the manufacture of fossil-fueled automobiles by 2023 or sooner.  School districts and businesses need to switch off of fossil fuels and adopt renewable energy sources.  We can all plant more trees.  

Failure to act is unacceptable.  According to Dr. Renee Salas of Harvard University, "Climate change, and the air pollution from fossil fuels that are driving it, threaten a child's health start in their mother's womb and only accumulate from there."

Make the commitment.  Move towards a plant-based way of eating.  The life of our planet - and the health of our children - is at stake. 

With love,
Nancy Heinrich, MPH