Wednesday, October 18, 2017

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: The Evil Empire Ingredient

“Pediatric obesity is a prevalent and complex problem that resists pharmacological treatment.  This has fueled interest in more extreme approaches, such as bariatric surgery in adolescents (gastric banding or bypass).  Although surgery can result in weight loss and reversal of type 2 diabetes, it is associated with vitamin deficiencies, chronic malabsorption, and other significant risks and should be reserved for carefully screen, dangerously obese adolescents.”  
                                  --Andrew Weil, MD, Mind over Meds, 2017

When parents ask for one tip feed their kids better, my answer is always the same: “Cut out all foods and drinks containing high fructose corn syrup.”  

This highly processed sugar, found in sodas, breads, ketchup, cookies, and other processed foods, is simply one of the worst ingredients you can put in your body.  When teaching kids about healthy eating, we teach that high fructose corn syrup is the Evil Empire ingredient and should always be avoided. 

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Sugar is highly addictive.  It’s addictive like crack cocaine.  To eliminate high fructose corn syrup and other added sugars, read food labels to identify the processed foods and drinks that contain them.  Something as simple as buying a bottle of ketchup, however, becomes a mission.  Stand in front of all the ketchup bottles  Start picking up one bottle at a time and scan the ingredients section below the Nutrition Facts rectangle.   I always feel victorious when I finally find a bottle without high fructose corn syrup.  It usually costs more than the others.  Food manufacturers use high fructose corn syrup because it’s a cheap ingredient. 

Cheap.  Addictive.  And bad for you.  

The next time ketchup is on your shopping list, scan the ingredient list.  Choose a brand without high fructose corn syrup.  Added sugars are empty calories with no nutritional value.  They are used in processed foods and are highly acidic and disease-promoting.

For a list of more than 50 names of added sugars, check out my book, Nourish and Flourish: Kid-Tested Tips and Recipes to Prevent Diabetes, available at  Click here for a link to order Nourish and Flourish.

Feed your kids real food. 

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Please pass the baked sweet potato fries and real ketchup. 

With love and gratitude,
Nancy L. Heinrich, MPH

Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.