Wednesday, August 30, 2017


“If we avoided animal protein and instead increased consumption of fruits and veggies, we could substantially prevent and treat most of the type 2 diabetes we encounter.  This may be in part due to the high fiber in the plants, but it is also due to the reduction in inflammation by avoiding animal protein and fat.” 
                                                               – Garth Davis, MD, author of Proteinaholic (2015)

From the author's recent trip to the New Albany, Indiana Farmers Market

Can you imagine taking 18 medications every day for your diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol but not having enough money for fruits and vegetables? One of the advisors to Growing Healthy Kids asked if I could teach a friend of hers (the person described above).  I said yes and offered to start a conversation about food choices and eating foods full of dietary fiber that can put people on a different path.  

It blows my mind how people accept more and more pills from their doctor and never ask, “What else can I do besides take more pills?” The fact is that most doctors only receive about an hour of nutrition education in medical school.  Instead of being trained how to prevent diseases, they are trained in depth on how to prescribe medications for diseases.

The number of Americans with diabetes (30.3 million or 9.4% of the population) and prediabetes (84 million or 33.9% of Americans age 18 and older) is staggering.  What Americans are spending on diabetes ($245 billion estimated for direct and indirect costs) is even more staggering.  Medications for diabetes are 18% of the total cost.  The cost ($245 billion in 2012) is 41% higher than for the previous 5 years ($170 billion in 2007).  Pharmaceutical companies are profiting so much from people who have diabetes; do you really think they want people to know there is a way to reverse diabetes? 

Thanks to doctors like Garth Davis, MD (author of Proteinaholic), Neal Barnard, MD (founder of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), and Joel Fuhrman, MD (author of The End of Diabetes), there is irrefutable evidence that when people eat primarily plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains), not only do can they control diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol but they can often reverse these diseases and conditions without the use of pills.  

If this article resonates with you and you are ready to take the first step towards better health, especially if you have diabetes or prediabetes, then start by reducing your consumption of meat and animal products (cheese, yogurt, milk, ice-cream).  All foods that come from animals contain saturated fats.  Saturated fat causes inflammation. Do not be afraid of not getting enough protein; most Americans consume too much protein. There is more than enough protein when you eat plants. What do you think cows eat?  The question you should be asking yourself is, "Am I getting enough fiber?" instead of "Am I getting enough protein?"

Pills vs Food?  Pharmacy vs Farmacy?  The choice is clear to me.  Hippocrates said it best:  “Let food be thy medicine.”

Please pass the butternut squash. 

With love and gratitude,
Nancy L. Heinrich, MPH

Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.