carbohydrate intake, whether by carbohydrate counting or experience-based
estimation, remains critical in achieving glycemic control.”
-- from Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes
2015, American Diabetes Association
“What was your last A1C result?”
Whenever someone asks me for help with their diabetes, their
answer to this question tells me volumes about their relationship with their
doctor and their health literacy about diabetes. This is because the A1C is the most
important blood test for someone diagnosed with diabetes. Understanding its significance is, without a
doubt, the key to gaining control.
It ALWAYS bothers me when their answer is, “What’s that?” It
means their doctor has not taught them well.
Class is now in session.
What is the A1C and what does it mean?
It is a blood test that measures one’s average daily blood sugars over
the past 2-3 months. Fasting is NOT
required for this test. Here’s the
bottom line: the higher the A1C, the
higher the chance of complications from diabetes. The longer an A1C remains elevated, the greater the chance the damage may be irreversible. However, when the A1C remains stable at goal, as
determined by 2 or more consecutive tests at or below the goal, it is the best test
of how well controlled one’s diabetes is.
What is the A1C goal for most people? In non-pregnant adults, it is below 7%, according to American Diabetes Association. In older adults, the goal may
be less stringent (less than 8%).
Diabetes is diagnosed by a physician when the A1C is 6.5% or higher, so for
this reason some doctors set goals for their patients lower than 7% because they
want to help the patient get their blood sugar to levels as normal as
Why does all this matter?
In last week’s Wellness Wednesdays was data from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that lays out the scope of the
problem. We have a very big problem with
diabetes in this country and it is up to us, the adults, to do something about
it for the sake of our children’s health. The diabetes epidemic is directly related to our obesity epidemic.
What’s the solution? Sugar. Eating
huge amounts of sugar has to stop. Sugar,
just like salt, is added to all kinds of foods and many people mindlessly
consume foods and drinks that are toxic to their health. When those people are parents, their choices
affect their kids. When someone has
diabetes, one of the first things I talk with them about is what they
drink. Like my friend I told you about last week, her answer was that she drinks
Cokes all day long! She has made
changes and you can, too. She has now stopped drinking all sodas.
Be mindful
what you eat and drink. Start training
yourself to be a nutrition detective by looking at food labels for sugar and
fiber content. You may be very surprised
by all the hidden sugars you find in what you normally eat and drink. Once you (and your kids) start cutting back on foods and drinks containing added sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup, your clothes will probably start fitting better. Nice side effect of being a nutrition detective!
So if you have diabetes (or prediabetes), what can you do starting today to improve your A1C?
- Stop drinking sodas.
- Drink water, not soda.
- Eat real fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.
- And please, talk with your doctor about your
A1C goals.
Do you have a question about what to eat? Then please send me an email at growinghealthykidsnow@gmail.com and I'll pick one reader's question to feature in an upcoming issue of Wellness Wednesdays in October.
Now, off to the kitchen for another piece of crustless spinach quiche!
In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich
Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.